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Science and more quiz
Question 1 of 10
Which of the following traits are used to help classify whales as mammals?
Question 2 of 10
What are the seasonal rains that occur in southeast Asia called?
Question 3 of 10
Which tree can grow the tallest?
Question 4 of 10
Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?
Question 5 of 10
What is the most recognisable feature of a hedgehog's appearance?
Question 6 of 10
Who developed the Second Law of Motion that is described by the equation F=ma?
Question 7 of 10
A tympanic membrane is more commonly known as what?
Question 8 of 10
What is a condition of an airplane or an airfoil in which lift decreases and drag increases?
Question 9 of 10
When did the saber-tooth cat become extinct?
Question 10 of 10
Which sixteenth century astrologer and physician is famous for his prophecies?

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Quiz : 10 famous songs
How many songs do you remember?
..ooOOoo.. Trivia Quiz ..ooO
How big is your brain?
World Geography Quiz
Let's see how smart you really are!
1970s Song Quiz
How many songs do you know?
Trivia quiz for the experien
10 good questions
Trivia Quiz for smart people
10 mixed up questions in a range of categorie..
General Knowledge Quiz
Only for the smartest 10%
World History Trivia Quiz
10 mixed questions
Science & Nature Trivia Quiz
Let's see how smart you really are!
Mixed Knowledge Quiz
Let's see how smart you really are!
Science Quiz for smart peopl
10 mixed questions
1960s Song Quiz
How many songs can you guess?

Fun trivia quiz
10 questions for you
Trivia Owl : How smart are y
10 trivia questions in mixed categories
History Quiz
10 questions
Movie Quiz
10 movie questions
Which one is a Beatles song?
What do you remember?
Food Quiz
10 questions
General Trivia Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
Trivia Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
1960s Song Quiz
10 questions lined up
The trivia quiz everyone fai
10 questions shuffled into fun categories
Fun Trivia Quiz For You
A fun trivia quiz with 10 questions
Hard food & cooking quiz
10 mixed questions to answer

Movie Quiz for fans
10 actionpacked questions
Food/Cooking Quiz
10 tasty questions
Medicine Quiz
10 questions
World Geography Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
Food & Cooking Trivia Qu
10 home chef questions
General Trivia Quiz with 10
Can you score 7 or higher in this one?
General Trivia Quiz
10 general knowledge questions
Hard trivia quiz
10 tricky questions
Einstein Meter Trivia Quiz
How many correct will you get?
General knowledge quiz for s
10 mixed up questions
1964 History Quiz
How many of them do you remember?

10 questions of general know
An entertaining quiz filled with interesting ..
General trivia quiz
10 mixed questions
Geografi Quiz About Europe
10 Pretty Damn Hard Questions
General Knowledge Quiz
10 mixed questions for you
General Quiz for everyone
Mixed questions
Mixed knowledge questions
How many correct will you get?
Trivia Quiz for geniuses
10 genius questions
General trivia quiz
10 questions
History Quiz (Super Hard)
Anything above 4 correct = you passed!
World Geography Quiz
Let us know your score in the comment section
History Quiz (10 questions)
Are you ready? :)
Mixed General Trivia Quiz
10 questions. Are you up for the challenge?

A trivia quiz for knowledge
That last questions will make you stumble
Science & Nature Quiz
10 hard questions to test your knowledge
General Knowledge Quiz (10 q
10 mixed category questions
General Knowledge For Trivia
10 mixed general trivia questions
General Knowledge Quiz
10 mixed questions to have fun with
Geography Quiz
How high can you score?
What do you know about Donal
Can you answer these 5 questions about Donald..
Food & Cooking Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
World History Trivia Quiz
10 mixed history questions
Mixed trivia quiz for smart
10 mixed questions
Secret Category Trivia Quiz
Do you have what it takes?
Movie Trivia Quiz
10 fun questions

10 General Knowledge Questio
Let's see how smart you really are!
Food Quiz
History Quiz : Europe 1930s
Tell us your score in the comment section bel..
Geography Quiz
10 mixed questions
Music quiz with 60s songs
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Mixed trivia quiz for smart
10 mixed questions
Quiz : Songs on the hit list
How good is your memory
Movie quote quiz
We give you the quote, you give us the movie
Food and cooking quiz
10 home chef questions
Song Quiz : The 1960s
Tell us your result in the comments
Trivia Quiz: General Knowled
10 questions of various topics
History of the 1950s
How many correct will you get?

Click here to play
Can you even get close to 8/10 correct in thi..
10 trivia questions in one f
How high will your score be?
High IQ trivia quiz
10 mixed up questions
10 question quiz : Food and
Let's see how much you know about food and co..
Movie Quiz
10 questions
General Trivia Quiz
10 questions that will put you to the test
World History Quiz
What do you remember?
Trivia IQ test
Are you a knowledge genius?
Geographical Trivia Quiz
10 geography-related questions
A quiz with general trivia q
Is it possible for you to achieve a perfect s..
General Trivia IQ challenge
Is your IQ high enough for these questions?
10 questions about songs fro
10 songs to guess

1970s Song Quiz
How many songs do you know?
Trivia Quiz for knowledge hu
We wrote 10 questions in mixed categories
1960s Song Quiz
HARD quiz about song lyrics
Let me know your low score in the comments :)
10 geography questions
And you will fail most of them
Music Quiz
How high can you score?
General Trivia IQ challenge
10 mixed trivia questions
History Quiz (10 questions)
Let me know your score in the comments
Science Trivia Quiz
Let's see how smart you really are!
General Mixed Trivia Quiz
10 fun questions
1960s Song Quiz
10 songs to guess
Trivia Quiz for knowledge hu
We wrote 10 questions in mixed categories

General Trivia Quiz
10 mixed
Quiz on history
Test your knowledge with these 10 questions.
10 trivia questions in one q
Are you ready to make your brain work?
1960s Song Quiz
10 mixed questions
Movie quiz for the people
10 questions for you to have fun with
Trivia Quiz for everyone on
Trivia quiz for experts
Monstrously difficult trivia
10 monstrously hard questions
Trivia Quiz
10 questions
Art & More Trivia Quiz
10 Impossible Questions
General Knowledge For Trivia
How many correct will you get?
Medicine Trivia Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge
1960s Song Quiz
10 questions to test your knowledge

Trivia Quiz
10 fun questions
Expert level food &
10 very difficult questions
Quiz : missing words from 50
How many correct will you get?
World Geography Quiz
10 questions
10 trivia questions in one f
How high will your score be?
Nostalgic Movie Quote Quiz (
How many of them will you answer correctly?
General trivia quiz
Let us know your score
10 question history quiz
What will you remember?
10 hard trivia questions
Mixed Knowledge quiz
We present : A general trivi
Ten fun questions
10 trivia questions in one f
How high will your score be?
10 trivia questions
Mixed Knowledge quiz

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